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Download Your 9-Step Magician Marketing Design Cheatsheet!

Transform your magician business marketing materials with our 9-step marketing design framework! Download the cheat sheet and start creating spellbinding materials today.

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Download the 9-Step Design Cheat Sheet


Magician Marketing Material Framework

Are you ready to make your magic show promotional materials stand out and have a steady stream of clients knocking at your door?

Whether you're performing on stage or promoting your shows, the way you present yourself is key to attracting and retaining clients.

That's where our 9-step framework comes in—a strategic approach to designing marketing materials that don’t just look good but also speak directly to your audience's desires.

And the best part? We're giving you a handy cheatsheet to keep this powerful framework at your fingertips.

Download it now and start crafting marketing materials that work like magic!


9-Step Design Framework for Designing an Effective 

Here is the framework for designing (or redesigning) a brochure for your magic business:

  1. Define Your Purpose: Start by clarifying the primary goal of your brochure. For us, it’s to promote your magic shows and encourage bookings.

  2. Identify Your Target Audience: Determine who your ideal clients are. Consider factors such as age, interests, and the type of events they are planning (e.g., birthday parties, corporate events, weddings). If you offer different kinds of shows, you must design a brochure that speaks to individual clients' needs.

  3. Craft Targeted Messaging: Develop concise, persuasive copy addressing your audience's needs and desires. Use hierarchical attention-grabbing headers and subheaders (H1, H2, H3) to organize your information logically and make it easy for potential clients to skim through.

  4. Select Visual Elements: Choose high-quality images and graphics that showcase your magic performances. In this case study, I have no headshot or action shots.  I am relying purely on stock solutions.  As you build your business, you’ll want to focus more intensely on the following:

    1. Building Your Brand

    2. Maintaining a Consistent Style and Color Scheme

    3. Capturing Actions Shots

    4. Polished professional headshots

  5. Layout and Design: Organize your brochure layout thoughtfully. Consider folding style, font selections, and color scheme. If you’re designing to the edge of your page, don’t forget to include a bleed.

  6. Include a Strong Call to Action (CTA): Guide your readers toward taking a specific action, whether booking a show, visiting your website, or contacting you for more information. Make your CTA clear, compelling, and easy to find, encouraging immediate engagement.

  7. Quality and Presentation: Printing on demand has evolved drastically, and it’s now possible to get high-quality, full-color prints from your local print shop without having to order 10,000.

  8. Distribute: A professional-looking brochure does nothing to build your magic business if it sits on the shelf and collects dust. Put these to work and start booking more magic shows.

  9. Revise, Edit, and Reprint: As your business grows and you collect more credentials and marketing assets, revisit and update your design.



📥 Download the Cheatsheet: 9-Step Design Framework for Designing an Effective

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