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Canadian Magicians on Penn & Teller Fool Us

Writer: Ryan JoyceRyan Joyce

Updated: Jan 10, 2024

Canadian magicians have appeared on the hit television show Penn & Teller Fool Us since its first season, which aired in 2011.

Penn and Teller with the words Penn and Teller Fool Us Canadians
Complete list of Canadian magicians who have appeared on CW Network's hit television show Penn & Teller: Fool Us

Penn & Teller Fool Us is a magic competition and television program where magicians perform tricks in front of the American magician-comedian duo Penn & Teller.

The 1hr format television show features four magicians per episode and one segment featuring Penn & Teller.

The coveted prize for magicians on the Fool Us stage is the FOOLER award, bragging rights for fooling Penn & Teller and an opportunity to perform in Las Vegas.

The first Canadian magician to appear on the CW Network's hit television show Penn & Teller is Shawn Farquhar, FISM Grand Prix Winner. He appeared three times and fooled Penn & Teller twice.


Canada has a reputation for nurturing world-acclaimed magicians throughout history.

Names like Doug Henning, Dai Vernon (aka The Professor), and The Charming Cheat, Martin Nash are a few names from Canada's rich history in magic.

Canadian magicians also have great influence within magic, the world's largest magician's society, the International Brotherhood of Magicians was founded in Winnipeg, Manitoba by magician Len Vintus and the Canadian Association of Magicians was founded in Elora, Ontario by Joan Caesar.

Here's a list of Canadian magicians who fooled Penn & Teller:

Canadian Magicians Who Have Fooled Penn & Teller

  1. Shawn Farquhar

  2. Shin Lim

  3. Wes Barker

  4. Shawn Farquhar

  5. Mahdi Gilbert

  6. Shin Lim

  7. Jean-Pierre Parent

  8. The Sentimentalists

  9. Ryan Hayashi

  10. Damien James

  11. Nicholas Wallace

  12. Eric Leclerc

Shin Lim is the most-watched Canadian Fooler and most-watched Penn & Teller Fool Us magician. Watch here:

First 5 Canadian Magicians to Fool Penn & Teller

Here are the first five Canadian magicians to appear on CW Network's magic-contest television show Penn & Teller Fool Us:

  1. Shawn Farquhar

  2. Shin Lim

  3. Wes Barker

  4. Jay Sankey

  5. Chris Funk

1. Shawn Farquhar

Shawn has appeared three times on Penn & Teller Fool Us and fooled the magic duo two times. Here is Shawn Farquhar's first appearance on Fool Us:

2. Shin Lim

This is Shin Lim's second appearance on the hit television show Fool Us. Shin Lim has the most views among Canadian magicians (see above for his first time on Penn and Teller Fool Us.)

Shin-Lim 2nd Appearance:

3. Wes Barker

Toronto magician and YouTube, Wes Barker is the third magician to appear on the hit television show. He fooled Penn & Teller. Watch:

4. Jay Sankey

One of the greatest minds in magic. Magician and YouTuber, Jay Sankey appeared on Fool Us in season two, but we cannot find a video of his performance.

5. Chris Funk

Magician Chris Funk from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, appeared on season two of Penn & Teller Fool Us.

Canadian appearances on Penn & Teller: Fool Us

Here is a list of Canadian magicians who on the television show can be celebrated by the following Canadian magician who has appeared on the Penn & Teller: Fool Us stage.

  1. Shawn Farquhar

  2. Shin Lim

  3. Wes Barker

  4. Jay Sankey

  5. Chris Funk

  6. Shawn Farquhar

  7. Ryan Joyce

  8. Mahdi Gilbert

  9. Greg Frewin

  10. Matthew DiSero

  11. The Evasons

  12. Neil Croswell

  13. Shin Lim

  14. Hatfields

  15. Matt Johnson

  16. Jean-Pierre Parent

  17. Richard Forget

  18. Yan Markson

  19. Ekaterina

  20. Patrik Kuffs

  21. The Sentimentalists

  22. Ryan Hayashi

  23. Ian Stewart

  24. Damien James

  25. Murray SawChuck

  26. Nicholas Wallace

  27. Darcy Oake

  28. Anastasia Synn

  29. Jason Palter

  30. Derek Selinger

  31. Ryan Stock & AmberLynn Walker

  32. Eric Samuels

  33. Lucy Darling (Carisa Hendrix)

  34. Shawn Farquhar

  35. Eric Leclerc

  36. Miranda Allen

  37. Michael Bourada

  38. Vincenzo Ravina

  39. Clinton W. Gray

Visit the Penn & Teller Episode Guide:

Interested in seeing all American Foolers?

Here's a complete list of American magicians who have fooled Penn & Teller:

List of all American magicians who have fooled Penn & Teller Fool Us
List of all American magicians who have fooled Penn & Teller Fool Us

Who was your favourite Canadian magician to appear on Penn & Teller Fool Us?

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