Ryan Joyce

Jun 178 min

Magicians: How To Master the Client Booking Process

Updated: Jun 18

A step-by-step booking process for magicians to ensure smooth, professional, and successful events. Grow your magic business.

A 6-step client booking process for magicians

6-Step Magician Booking Process

Booking a magic show can be as tricky as pulling a rabbit out of a hat—unless you have a foolproof plan!

Mastering the client booking process is essential whether you're performing at birthday parties, corporate events, or weddings.

Dive into our cheat sheet, simplifying each step and ensuring you impress clients from the first inquiry to the final applause.

Biggest Takeaways

  1. Prompt Communication: Respond to inquiries within 24 hours to capture client interest.

  2. Get it in Writing: Provide a clear and comprehensive contract outlining your services and terms.

  3. Follow-Up: Post-event follow-ups for feedback and testimonials enhance client relationships and future bookings.

Follow the 6-step booking process below and download the free cheat sheet.

Ready to make your bookings magically seamless? Let's get started!

Follow these 6 Steps for Flawless Booking Process when Booking Your Next Magic Show

📩 1. Initial Inquiry

The journey to a successful magic show begins with the initial inquiry. Here’s how to ensure you capture and maintain client interest right from the start:

  • Check Messages Regularly: Stay on top of emails, social media messages, and website contact forms. Set aside specific times each day to review and respond to inquiries.

  • Respond Promptly: Aim to reply within 24 hours. Prompt responses show professionalism and enthusiasm, making a great first impression.

  • Gather Essential Information: Collect key details such as the date and time of the event, event type (e.g., birthday party, corporate event, wedding), location, estimated number of attendees, and the client’s budget. This information will help you tailor your initial response and prepare for the next steps.

Managing initial inquiries effectively sets the stage for a successful client relationship and a well-organized event.

📆 2. Client Consultation

Once you've received an inquiry and gathered the essential details, it's time to understand your client's vision and needs more deeply.

The client consultation allows you to build rapport, showcase professionalism, and tailor your services to their event.

Scheduling and Preparing for Consultations

  • Schedule the Consultation: Offer a few convenient times for phone, video, or in-person meetings. Ensure you provide flexibility to accommodate the client's schedule.

  • Prepare in Advance: Review the information gathered during the initial inquiry. Familiarize yourself with the event details and any specific requests the client may have mentioned. Have your calendar, pricing information, and a list of services ready to discuss.

Discussing Event Details

  • Understand the Client’s Expectations: Start by asking open-ended questions to get a clear picture of the client’s vision for the event. What type of atmosphere do they want to create? Are there any themes or special requests?

  • Tailor Your Performance: Explain how you can customize your magic show to fit their event. Discuss different types of performances, whether close-up magic, a stage show, or interactive elements that can engage the audience.

  • Discuss Logistics: Cover the practical aspects such as setup requirements, performance duration, and technical needs (e.g., sound system, lighting). Make sure to clarify the venue's layout and any restrictions that might impact your performance.

Providing a Detailed Proposal

  • Outline Your Services: Sometimes, you must create a comprehensive proposal that details your performance, the services you'll provide, and how they align with the client's vision.

  • Pricing and Terms: Clearly state your pricing structure, including any packages or customizable options. Include terms and conditions, such as payment schedules, cancellation policies, and additional fees.

  • Visual and Professional Presentation: Make sure your proposal is visually appealing and professional. Use branded templates, high-quality images, and easy-to-read fonts. This not only makes the information clear but also reinforces your professionalism.

A well-conducted consultation sets the foundation for a successful event and a satisfied client.

By understanding their needs and presenting a detailed, professional proposal, you can confidently secure the booking and set the stage for a magical performance.

💬 3. Booking Confirmation

After a successful client consultation, the next step is solidifying the booking.

This phase involves confirming the event details, formalizing the agreement with a contract, and securing a deposit.

These steps ensure clarity and commitment from both parties, paving the way for a smooth event execution.

Receiving Confirmation and Finalizing Details

  • Client Agreement: Once the client agrees to proceed, confirm all the details discussed during the consultation. Double-check the event date, time, location, type of performance, and any special requests.

  • Detail Verification: Ensure that all specifics are correct to avoid any misunderstandings. This includes verifying the number of attendees, setup requirements, and logistical considerations like transportation, audio and visual equipment etc.

Sending a Contract

  • Formal Contract: Provide a formal contract that outlines all the agreed-upon details. This should include the performance outline, terms and conditions, payment schedule, and cancellation policy.

  • Clear Terms: The contract should be clear and easy to understand. Avoid jargon and cover all important points to protect you and the client.

  • Signature Requirement: Ensure both parties sign the contract. A signed contract is a legal agreement that confirms the booking and sets expectations for both sides.

Requesting a Deposit

  • Non-Refundable Deposit: A non-refundable deposit is typically required to secure the booking. This shows the client's commitment and covers initial preparation costs.

  • Payment Details: Provide clear instructions on how to make the deposit payment. Include your preferred payment methods and any necessary banking details.

  • Deposit Confirmation: Once the deposit is received, confirm receipt with the client and update the booking status. This step is crucial to ensure there are no misunderstandings regarding the payment.

Following these steps ensures the booking process is clear, professional, and mutually agreed upon.

A formal contract and deposit secure the booking and demonstrate your commitment to delivering a high-quality performance.

4. Pre-Event Preparation

With the booking confirmed, the focus shifts to ensuring everything is perfectly planned and ready for the big day.

Pre-event preparation involves reconfirming details, customizing your performance to suit the event, and handling final financial arrangements.

Sending a Confirmation Email

  • Detailed Confirmation: A few weeks before the event, send a comprehensive confirmation email to the client. Reiterate all key details, such as the date, time, location, and type of performance.

  • Contact Information: Include your contact information and encourage the client to reach out with any last-minute changes or questions.

  • Final Reminders: Mention important details such as setup time, technical requirements, or specific arrival instructions.

Customizing the Performance

  • Client Preferences: Review any specific requests or preferences the client has mentioned. Tailor your performance to align with the event's theme or the client’s vision.

  • Performance Outline: Plan the sequence of your tricks or segments to ensure a smooth flow. Consider the audience type and size to choose the most engaging and appropriate acts.

  • Props and Equipment: Double-check that all your props and equipment are ready and in working order. Pack everything meticulously to avoid any last-minute hiccups.

Final Payment Reminder

  • Payment Schedule: If the final payment hasn't been made, politely remind the client about the remaining balance. Include details on the amount due and the payment deadline.

  • Payment Instructions: Provide clear instructions on how to make the final payment, including accepted payment methods and any necessary banking details.

  • Payment Confirmation: Once the final payment is received, confirm receipt with the client. Acknowledge their prompt payment and express your anticipation for the upcoming event.

By thoroughly preparing in advance, you can ensure everything runs smoothly on the event day.

A well-planned and customized performance will leave a lasting impression on your audience, and timely financial arrangements will maintain a professional relationship with your client.

🎩 5. Day of the Event

The day of the event is your time to shine and bring magic to life.

Proper execution on the day involves timely arrival, effective communication with the client, and delivering an unforgettable performance.

Arriving Early for Setup

  • Early Arrival: Arrive at the venue well ahead of the scheduled start time. This allows ample time for setup and to address any unforeseen issues.

  • Setup and Sound Check: Arrange your performance area and set up any props, equipment, and sound systems. Conduct a thorough sound check to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

  • Venue Walkthrough: Familiarize yourself with the venue layout, including the entrance, exits, and audience seating arrangements. This will help you plan your movements and interactions during the performance.

Meeting with the Client

  • Client Check-In: Meet with the client upon arrival to confirm all event details and any last-minute changes. Reassure them that everything is on track.

  • Final Confirmation: Review the schedule and sequence of events with the client. Clarify any specific instructions or requests they may have for your performance.

  • Build Rapport: Use this opportunity to build rapport and ease any pre-event jitters the client might have. A confident and friendly demeanor can help set a positive tone for the event.

Performing and Engaging the Audience

  • Professional Performance: Deliver a polished and professional performance that captivates the audience from start to finish. Ensure your transitions between tricks are smooth and engaging.

  • Audience Interaction: Engage with the audience, involving them in your tricks where appropriate. Personal interactions can make the performance more memorable and enjoyable.

  • Adaptability: Be prepared to adapt your performance to the audience's reactions and the event's flow. Flexibility is key to maintaining engagement and handling unexpected situations with grace.

You ensure the event's magical success by arriving early, effectively communicating with the client, and delivering a stellar performance.

Your professionalism and attention to detail will leave a lasting impression, paving the way for future bookings and positive word-of-mouth.

🙏 6. Post-Event Follow-Up

Although the event may end, your professional responsibilities continue with post-event follow-up. This phase is crucial for maintaining a strong relationship with your client, gathering valuable feedback, and securing future opportunities.

Sending a Thank You Note

  • Express Gratitude: Within a few days after the event, send the client a heartfelt thank-you note or email expressing your appreciation for their booking and trust in your services.

  • Personal Touch: Mention specific highlights from the event that stood out to you. This shows the client that you genuinely valued their event and paid attention to the details.

  • Contact Information: Include your contact information and a friendly reminder that you’re available for future events or referrals.

Requesting Feedback and Testimonials

  • Feedback Request: Politely ask the client for feedback on your performance and their overall experience. This can be done through a follow-up email or a simple feedback form.

  • Testimonial Solicitation: Request a testimonial that you can feature on your website or social media. Positive testimonials are powerful tools for building credibility and attracting new clients.

  • Review Links: Provide links to review sites where they can leave feedback. Encourage them to share their positive experience publicly if they feel comfortable doing so.

Staying Connected for Future Bookings

  • Mailing List: Add the client to your mailing list (with their permission) to inform them about upcoming shows, promotions, or new services.

  • Social Media Engagement: Connect with the client on social media platforms. Engage with their posts and update them on your latest performances and achievements.

  • Personalized Follow-Ups: Reach out to them on special occasions such as anniversaries, holidays, or the anniversary of their event. A personalized message can keep you on top of your mind and foster long-term relationships.

Following up thoughtfully and consistently reinforces your professionalism and increases the likelihood of repeat bookings and referrals. Positive feedback and testimonials enhance your reputation, while staying connected helps maintain client relationships and opens doors for future opportunities.


Mastering the client booking process is essential for any magician looking to create memorable events and build a successful business.

A structured and professional approach ensures that every step, from the initial inquiry to post-event follow-up, is handled with care and efficiency.

This enhances the client’s experience and boosts your reputation as a reliable and talented performer.

Embrace these practices to streamline your operations, impress your clients, and create magic on and off the stage.

Remember, every detail counts in making your performance and business shine.

Download FREE Booking Process Checklist

Ready to take your magic business to the next level? Download our comprehensive Booking Process Cheat Sheet and ensure every event is a magical success.

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That's it!

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